The segment was titled "Give Your Pets a Luxury Vacation" and aired live on January 28th. The Parker brothers, K-9 Resorts founders, were live in-studio. The six minute segment featured the
history of K-9 Resorts, the services they offer and the plans for future
development. Steven and Jason did a great job explaining their passion for the
industry and the growth the franchise along the east coast.
Check out the segment HERE.
The segment also gained a feature in an article within the Scotch Plains-Fanwood Patch. Begin reading the article below or click HERE for the full article.
Check out the segment HERE.
The segment also gained a feature in an article within the Scotch Plains-Fanwood Patch. Begin reading the article below or click HERE for the full article.
Owners of K-9 Resorts In Fanwood Featured on Fox Business News
Residents of Scotch Plains, Jason and Steven Parker who own K-9 Resorts in Fanwood were featured on Fox Business News on Jan. 29.
By: Nicole Bitette
Earlier today, Jason and Steven Parker of Scotch Plains were featured on Fox Business News to discuss their business, K-9 Resort Daycare and Luxury Hotel located in Fanwood.
The brothers, who Patch previously reported were in the process of franchising out locations, told Fox Business News that they are closing the ninth franchising deal this Friday and the 10th deal next month.
The brothers, who Patch previously reported were in the process of franchising out locations, told Fox Business News that they are closing the ninth franchising deal this Friday and the 10th deal next month.