Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Keep Your Dog Busy

Have your dogs started to get antsy for green grass and the warmer weather? Thanks to the folks at Gizmodo we are able to provide you with the 6 best toys to keep your dog really busy. This will keep them out of your hair for a little while just in time for it to get nice out! Preview the article below or read the full article here.

"The 6 Best Toys to Keep Your Dog Really Busy"


The Kong

The granddaddy of all work-to-eat toys, the Kong is a chew toy made of nearly indestructible rubber. It was originally based on a part of a Volkswagen bus' suspension device that the creator's German Shepherd found particularly irresistible. Kongs can be stuffed with a wide variety of yummies. Kong sells especially shaped treats and different things you can squeeze inside, but you can stuff it with whatever your dogs' weakness might be: cream cheese, Cheez Whiz, wet dog food, peanut butter, liverwurst, frozen blueberries, hamburger meat. Yummers.

There used to be a great product that operated on a timer and dispensed Kongs at intervals, so you could stuff four of them and then leave for the day and your dog would get them doled out at neat intervals. The product was discontinued a few years ago, but you can occasionally find a used one on Ebay, and they're well worth the $100 or so that they usually sell for. Search the ‘Bay for Dogopolis KongTime Automatic Dog Toy Dispenser.

Find the rest of the toys here.

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